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Ausgabe 18 (April/Mai 1998)

Airplay: Club Rotation


  Moderation: Daisy Dee

  DJ Looney Tune - "Workstation"
  Run DMC vs. Jason Nevins - "It�s tricky"
  Blank & Jones - "Heartbeat"
  Ayla - "Ayla Part 2"
  Kosmonova vs. Fiocco - "Celebrate"
  Sequential One - "Imagination"
  N.Y.C.C. - "Fight for your right"
  Nalin & Kane - "Beachball"
  Music Instructor - "Super Sonic"
  Daft Punk - "Revolution 909"


  Moderation: Daisy Dee

  Marusha - "Free love"
  Carlos - "The silmarillia"
  Ayla - "Ayla Pt. 2"
  Sequential One - "Imagination"
  Phil Fuldner - "The final"
  Members of Mayday - "Save the robots"
  Future Breeze - "Another day"
  Kosmonova vs. Fiocco - "Celebrate"
  Whirlpool Productions - "From disco to disco"
  The Prodigy - "Out of space"
  Van Bellen - "Let me take you (on a journey)"


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